Ar.Co's history is, in many ways, the history of its important collaborations with a vast number of entities, public and private, national and international (state organisms, municipalities, foundations, embassies, institutes, associations, school, companies, etc.). Throughout the 1970's, it is difficult to distinguish what constitutes and what doesn’t constitute “training” in activities that imply collaborations. In the school year 1974/75 Ar.Co collaborates with the Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga in order to promote (gratuitous) courses and special cinema sessions for Salette Tavares' “Introduction to Aesthetics and to the History of Art”. However, only from the early 1980’s onwards does it become possible to speak of structured training programs that make it possible for each area (sector, workshop, department, depending on what they’re called at the moment) to test its logic and its capacity for continuity within the school’s project and promote training experiences and events, inside and outside the school, in collaboration with other entities. More often than not, these training experiences have an occasional character and are associated with exhibition projects. Such is the case, for instance, with the workshops that take place at the Museu/Mosteiro da Batalha between 1982 and 1985 in the areas of Photography and Sculpture: the important “Oficina de Fotografia - Batalha 83 / Photography Workshop – Batalha 83” (with Jacques Minassian, Nicolas Sapieha, Manuel Silveira Ramos and Maria do Carmo Galvão Teles), but also the internships/workshops of Sculpture in Stone, happening in 1982 (with the participation of Maria Felizol, Pedro Fazenda, Luis Neuparth and Graça Costa Cabral), in 1983 (with Luis Neuparth, Sérgio Taborda, Rolney Barreto, Silvia Westphalen, Nelson Cardoso and Vitor Ribeiro) and in 1985 (with Sérgio Taborda, Nelson Cardoso, Luís Neuparth, Vítor Ribeiro and Francisco Rocha, taking part in the Stonecutting and Sculpture workshops of the Museum/Monastery’s IV Centennial). In 1988, Tereza Seabra, Head of jewellery, will bring to Tavira the workshop/exhibition “Álvaro de Campos Project”, at the invitation of Vítor Pomar (responsible at the time for the Casa-Museu Álvaro de Campos at Tavira). After an interruption period in the 1990’s, new projects outside the school will again happen: Joana Vasconcelos and Sérgio Taborda promote in 2000 a Fiberglass workshop for Ar.Co’s students at the Estádio Nacional; Marcelo Costa directs at the CCB (Belém Cultural Centre) in 2002 the Youth workshop “Brincar com as Palavras; Jogar com as Imagens”; Alice Geirinhas and Marcos Farrajota direct in 2003 the workshop “Illustration and Comics” at the Bedeteca de Lisboa (repeated in 2004 with Alice Geirinhas and Nuno Saraiva); Marcelo Costa collaborates with João Fiadeiro in 2006 to set up at Atelier RE.AL workshops integrated in Ar.Co’s Video/Audio and New Media department (“Lloopp” with Maria Mire, Maria Jorge Martins, Klaus Filip and Arnold Haberl; “Performance and Real Time Video workshop” with João Fiadeiro and Marcelo Costa). The rhythm of out of school training programs accelerates with the creation in 2007 of the Communication and Development office (Ana Bustorff Martinho), that actively seeks and establishes partnerships and collaboration agreements (not strictly, but also, with training objectives). In the Summer of 2007 a collaboration with St.Julian’s School takes place at Carcavelos, with courses “for students who are 14 or older, parents, teachers and the local community”. Generically called “Ar.Co at St. Julian’s School”, the programs include “Digital Photography” (Cláudio Melo”) and “Illlustration/Comics” (Jorge Nesbitt) and in 2008 “Drawing and Painting” (João Catarino and Jorge Nesbitt) and “Digital Photography” (Márcio Vilela). In 2010 the Ar.Co/St Julian’s partnership promotes “Ceramics” (Teresa Ramos) and “Painting” (João Miguéis). After an agreement has been signed with the Instituto Português da Juventude, Ar.Co organizes workshops in IPJ’s facilities also in 2010: “Improved Photography with analog and digital camera. Making better use of the optical means in Photography” (José Soudo and Luis Murtinha Ferreira) and “Basic techniques of lighting in photography and lighting with flash” (José Soudo, Luis Murtinha Ferreira and Gonçalo Salema). In that same year Ar.Co collaborates with the Casa das Histórias Paula Rego in Cascais: within the scope of a thematic program (“Casa dos Desenhos – Training Program in Drawing”), João Catarino gives a workshop on “Observation and Imagination”, António Marques orients “Tableaux Vivants” and João Migueis will be responsible for “Human Figures, Non-Human Figures and Figures of Space”. Workshops and classes will continue at Casa das Histórias in 2011 and 2012: “Light, Density and Transparency” (Paulo Brighenti), “Between here and there” (João Miguéis), “Springtime with Poetry” (an open class with João Miguéis and Manuel Caldeira), “Out of Place” (Manuel Caldeira), the workshops “Once upon a time...color, the stain, the line...” and “The Focused Body” (with Ângelo Encarnação) and “Porcelain Body” (with Teresa Ramos, sessions taking place both at Casa das Histórias Paula Rego and at St Julian’s School, Carcavelos). In 2012, Ângelo Encarnação will direct the Drawing workshop “The Body and the Soul”, while João Catarino and Jorge Nesbitt will take on another open class in the context of “Springtime with Poetry”. Special photography courses are also organized on 2011 and 2012 by Ar.Co on the basis of a partnership with the Ordem dos Arquitectos: “Photography for Architects”, with Manuel Silveira Ramos and Daniel Malhão, will take place at the Ordem’s facilities and at Ar.Co’s Quinta de S. Miguel in Almada. In 2012 and 2013 Ar.Co establishes a collaboration agreement with the Education Office of the Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência (Museum of Natural History and Science) leading to the implementation in 2012/2013 of the program“Ar.Co at the Museum / Saturdays for Young People and Adults”: Teodora Boneva gives Scientific Illustration workshops at the Zoology and Anthropology/Mammals department and at the Museum’s Chemical Lab, Yara Kono is in charge of a Children’s Illustration workshop, Manuel Silveira Ramos and José Vicente team up for “Photography Applied to Museology Workshop” and João Catarino teaches “Visual Journal at the Museum”. Ar.Co also contributes in 2013 with “Drawing at the Museum 1” and “Drawing at the Museum 2” (with João Catarino) for the initiative “The Arts Centre”, launched by Culturgest and including projects from various schools and art centres in Lisbon. Ar.Co will continue to program other practical and theoretical formative initiatives with this institution. A collaboration partnership is also initiated with the Arpad Szenes/Vieira da Silva Foundation, beginning with theoretical courses produced by Ar.Co and taking place at the Foundation’s facilities (“Simbolo/Diabolo: Quando a natureza exorbita”, by Manuela Correia Braga, is the first of such courses). Eventually, oriented tours, conferences and small practical training units conceived for specific exhibitions will also be part of this continuing relationship between Ar.Co and FASVS. A number of other formative activities will continue to take place outside the school as a product of collaborations with different entities. The National Theatre of S. Carlos will also become part of this group, both for Drawing and for Cinema programs.
"Photography Workshop - Batalha 83". Collaboration with the Batalha Museum/Monastery.
Poster for "Projecto Áqua". Collaboration between Ar.Co's Jewellety department and the Gabinete de Animação Integrado, Centro Hospitalar and City Council of Caldas da Rainha, 1986.
Poster of Exhibition "Santarém Capital do Gótico", 1987. Collaboration with the Governo Civil de Santarém and the City Council of Santarém. Design Ana Moreira.
Technicians from CRISAL providing technical support to the "Crystal Week" at Ar.Co, Almada, 1989.
Signing the protocol between and Secil, 1989. Manuel and Graça Costa Cabral.
Invitation for Ar.Co's exhibition "Selected works by students". Collaboration with St.Julian's School, Carcavelos. 1998. Image: João Paulo Serafim.
Ar.Co's Summer Courses at St Julian's School, Carcavelos, 2007.
Francisco Sousa Lobo. Cover of Comics book “O Andar de Cima / The Upper Room”, 2014. A collaboration between Ar.Co, the Life Sciences Department and the Library of the FCT/Universidade Nova de Lisboa and the Associação Chili Com Carne, in the context of the European Year of the Brain (2014).
Collaboration Ar.Co - Casa das Histórias Paula Rego, Cascais. Drawing class with António Marques, 2010.
Workshop-performance with Ana Jotta, Marcelo Costa and students at Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, Lisbon, June 2013.
Exhibition "Intersections", a project of Ar.Co's Jewellery department with the Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência, Lisbon, 2013.
Summer Courses - Ar.Co/St Julian's School. João Catarino. St Julian's School, Carcavelos, 2008.
Workshop-performance with Miguel Branco, Tiago Barbosa and students at Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, Lisbon, June 2013.
Theoretical course "The Slap and the Punch - the Manifesto as artistic discourse", with Joana Batel, organized by Ar.Co for Culturgest in 2015.
Drawing workshop at the Museu de História Natural e da Ciência with Miguel Branco, 2015.
Workshop "Cinema: Documentary and Fiction" oriented by Marcelo Costa and Victor Jorge at the National Theatre of S. Carlos, 2016.